jún. 05., Szo
Teaching Chunks for Better Business Communication
My workshop at the very first LexicalLab Conference!
Time & Location
2021. jún. 05. 14:15 – 15:00 GMT+1
About the Event
About my workshop: Business communication is typically an area where the lexical approach can thrive. Non-native speakers usually have to follow certain rules of business etiquette as well as a lexical set that is expected from their international employers. Such students often struggle with the time pressure they’re under and the amount of successful and natural-sounding communication they have to deliver. Teaching and using chunks could significantly improve their efficiency and increase their self-esteem and confidence both in speaking and in writing. I intend to show in this practical workshop why the lexical approach is a method worth considering in BE lessons, how such a lesson can be staged, and how these chunks can be painlessly recycled for better retention.
About the conference: Part of the idea of the Lexical Lab scholarship for IATEFL – and of the conference – is to provide opportunities for a variety of voices offering different interpretations on teaching and learning lexically. None of our contributors have given a talk at IATEFL previously and some haven’t spoken at an online forum like this before. If you are interested in applying for next year’s scholarship, you can find more information and the basic criteria here. The updates on deadlines will be published soon. Keep an eye on our website and newsletter for more info.